How To Display Withdrawal Form


Last Update hace 3 años

To display the withdrawal form for all wallets, copy & paste the Shortcode below.


Users will be presented with Wallet options to choose from.

Shortcodes are little bits of code in WordPress that allow you to achieve a variety of tasks with little effort. They were first introduced in WordPress 2.5, and their purpose was to allow users to execute code directly within WordPress posts, pages, and widgets without having to write any code.

Learn more about WordPress Shortcodes

If you want to display the withdrawal form for only a particular wallet, you have to specify the wallet id of that particular wallet.

Withdrawal Form only allows withdrawal from wallet withdrawal balance. 

Find more advanced shortcodes below with options to set min and max withdrawal amount, redirection after withdrawal, etc.

Admins can see withdrawal requests from Settings:Withdrawal after clicking on Rimplenet from the WP dashboard menu.

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